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How to Enable One-Click Upload and Start Printing on Cura

Update: 2024-6-14

This tutorial explains how to use Cura slicing software for one-click uploading, which enhances your printing efficiency by avoiding the need to repeatedly plug and unplug the SD card, switch pages to save files, and drag and drop or search for files to upload.


1.This tutorial takes the Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus as an example.

1.1. Configure Printer Networking and Obtain IP Information.

Connect your printer to the network and obtain its IP address.
1.2. Install Moonraker in Cura.
After installation, restart the Cura slicing software.
Click on the "Marketplace" in the top right corner.
Enter "Moonraker" in the search bar and click install.
Enter the Printer's IP Information in the Moonraker Plugin and Save.

1.3. Go to Preferences → Configure Cura → Printers → Connect Moonraker → Connection → Address (URL).

1.4. Import Files into Cura and Slice.

1.5. Click "Upload to Printer" and check the "Start Printing" option.

Additional Features:

2. Adding BeagleV2 Camera Video Stream to Cura.

Mintion Beagle Camera(V1&V2) primarily provides smooth video streaming and printer control, allowing you to monitor your printer's working status remotely. This means you can check the printing progress via the Beagleprint app anytime and anywhere, whether you're in the living room, bedroom, at a party, on vacation, or abroad.


Firmware Upgrade Reference Video for BeagleCamera:

If your Camera has an available upgrade, you will see a "red dot".

How to Handle "Firmware Upgrade Failure":

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